
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Friday, July 12, 2013

Prayer on Psalm 5:5-12

Heavenly Father, We thank You that You are faithful in all that You have promised to
Your people and not one word that You have uttered will fall to the ground.  

We are firmly assured that You will bless the righteous and surround them with Your
grace as with a shield, so that none of Your enemies will prevail against us, for You
are our safety.

You have no pleasure in wickedness and hate all those that live in rebellion against
You. Those who are foolish and boast in their own light and glory in themselves will
not stand in Your sight, but will be utterly destroyed in their own lies and

You abhor those who shed the blood of Your people and strengthen themselves sin
their iniquity and evil.

But Your people are not so, O Lord, for they come into Your house and worship You
in the multitude of Your mercies. Your dwelling place is in Heaven, O Lord, and we
seek You there.

We beseech You to lead us in Your faithfulness, for there are many enemies who are
faithless and wicked. They are most corrupt in their speech and flatter with the lip
while seeking the destruction of Your people.  

But You will destroy them with their own ideas and they will perish in their own
rebellion and sins.  

We pray You would turn many to righteousness and bring repentance for sins and I
iniquities as You did for Saul of Tarsus and many others of Your enemies in days gone
by for we know that Your grace is sufficient for the worst of sinners.  

Those who refuse the gospel will perish in their own iniquity and sin, and remain in the
congregation of the dead.

But we may rejoice, O Father, for You have called us to faith, to trust in You. Your joy
has filled our hearts, for You defend us from all our enemies. We joy in Your Name. 

You bring all things to pass after Your own will, and nothing can overcome us, for all
the weapons of the ungodly belong to You. The joy of the Lord is our strength and

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