
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

OpinionJournal - Featured Article: "High-level officials of Saddam's regime have told investigators that oil and goods contracts were always awarded with an eye to helping Saddam politically, particularly to promote the lifting of the sanctions. The Volcker data bears this out. Iraq's top customer was Russia, whose firms bought $19.2 billion worth of Iraq oil and exported $3.3 billion in humanitarian goods. Fellow Security Council member France was a distant but significant second, at $4.4 billion and $2.9 billion respectively. China is also high on the list.
Oil voucher recipients are alleged to include the Russian presidential office, former French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua, and even former Oil for Food program director Benon Sevan of the U.N. Just this week our news side colleagues reported that French authorities have placed under formal investigation a top official of French oil giant Total, for possible misuse of funds including payment of the Iraqi kickbacks. Before the war Total was also openly courting Baghdad for the rights to develop two large Iraqi oil fields."
Inspections never would have worked, and no resolution with teeth would ever have passed the UN, because Security Council members had sold their veto to Saddam Hussein. This was the reason for his arrogance. He knew nothing against him would ever pass the Security Council, for he had bought them off. Kedward's solution is pie in the sky.

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