
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Morning Prayer: March 27, 2014 Titus 3:14

March 27, 2014   Morning Prayer  Meditation and Prayer on Titus 3:14

Precious Father in Heaven,

We want your Name to be glorified in the work that we do today. May we be useful in
your kingdom and not live in idleness and vanity. Save us from wasting time and
resources, which should be put to necessary and urgent uses. You have said that we
must build in gold and silver and precious stones, and not in wood hay and stubble.

The wise man said that we should seek wisdom as better than gold and silver and our
Lord Jesus said that our treasures should be laid up in heaven and not on earth. How
necessary and urgent is the care of men’s souls, for there is no profit in gaining the
world and losing our souls!

In doing this, O Father, you have said we will be like trees planted by rivers of water,
bringing forth fruit in due season and prospering. Otherwise we are like the chaff that
the wind blows away.

How precious is our Christ and Savior, and we would live lives of value for His praise
and glory. We ask these things in the Name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.

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