
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Meditation and Prayer for a Tuesday Morning. Psalm 147:7-15

Psalm 147:7-15

Our Heavenly Father, our hearts sing of Your mercy and truth. You have tuned them to
thanksgiving and we praise You with our whole being, for our souls are Your musical
instruments for Your glory.
You have sent the clouds and the rain to water the earth, to make the grass grow and to
provide food for all the birds and the animals that You have created and care for.
You take no delight in our natural strength or all the power of the universe, for all
power comes from You. You have pleasure in those who fear You, who hope in Jesus
Christ for mercy and strength. 
It is the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation to all those who believe and
we hope only in Christ, whom You have appointed to be the Savior of men through
faith in His blood.
We praise You in Your church, dear Heavenly Father, for that is Your will and
appointment. We gather in obedience and submit one to another, to care for one
another and to seek Your glory in the church. 
Thy church is the pillar and ground of the truth and You have made her strong behind
her gates and bars. You protect her from the wickedness of the world through her
appointed officers and ministers and we thank You for them. 
Your children are blessed within thy church for You have promised to dwell with us
and be our God and we are Your people.
You have given us the finest of care and have nourished us in the word of God, better
than our daily food. 
You have given us peace so we can grow and flourish in Your courts--in your church.
Your word runs swiftly to accomplish all Your holy will. Blessed be Your name
forever and ever.

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