
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Replacing the Law of God

A New Morality

Have you noticed that a new code of ethics has replaced 
the Ten 
Commandments in our country? People who would never use a 
racial epithet think nothing of taking God’s name in vain. “O my 
G…” has become commonplace, but has no meaning.

A man who would shrink from disturbing a rodent is not 

uncomfortable with putting thousands of people out of work, 
stealing their livelihood.

People who would be embarrassed to make a Hindu 
do not mind ridiculing a Christian student in a public classroom.

People who mourn over injustice done to a whale do not 
from lies and slander to deny a Supreme Court nomination for their 
political rival.

A man who would insist on a woman’s right to equality 
will not 
hesitate to cheat on his own wife, and leave her in poverty in order 
to marry a younger and snappier woman.

A woman living in poverty because of her husband's infidelity hates 
Christians who defend Biblical morality.

A woman who would not eat canned tuna to protest the 
that are caught in the tuna nets murders her own unborn child.

A person who insists that there are no certain moral 
principles is 
certain that Scriptural morals are wrong.

There is a certainty here: man cannot be without morals. If he 
abandons biblical ones, then he will substitute others for them. He 
will zealously pursue his revisionist morals, and persecute and 
defame those who disagree with him, all the while accusing 
Christians of hypocrisy when they defend theirs.

But the laws of morality and decency are as fixed as the order of 
the universe, because the Creator is the God of both:

Ps 119:142 "Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and 
thy law is the truth."

Mt 15:9 "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the 
commandments of men."

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