As we come to You at the beginning of this Advent
Season, O Lord God, we acknowledge that we do
believe that Jesus of Nazareth is Your Only Begotten
Son and is truly Lord and God of all Creation and
One with You, the Father, and The Holy Spirit as
One God and One Lord.
We believe that the Lord Jesus is the eternal Word and Wisdom of God and was with
We further confess and believe that all things in heaven and earth that are and were
O Lord God, all life comes from You in Your Word and Wisdom. This vast earth
All living things in heaven and in earth You have made in wisdom and power for
This light that shines in all that You have made--this light of Your Word and
This light shines in the darkness of our minds and souls but we cannot see it for
We believe that Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth, was born of the
This is our only hope and trust, but it is a solid one, because You have promised
We believe that the Lord Jesus is the eternal Word and Wisdom of God and was with
God and was God. You have never been without Your Only Begotten Son, O most
High God, for You cannot be without Your Word and Your Wisdom.
We further confess and believe that all things in heaven and earth that are and were
created are the works of Your eternal Word and Wisdom by the Holy Ghost and in
Your Word and Wisdom all things consist and remain. There is nothing created that
is not the work of Your hands, O Lord God, in wisdom and power.
O Lord God, all life comes from You in Your Word and Wisdom. This vast earth
with its continents and seas are the works of Your hands and the life that we see all
around us is sustained and beloved of You. You are also the life of the beings that
we do not see that inhabit the heavens and the earth, the angels, the principalities
and powers, for good and evil, are created by You and have their life from You.
All living things in heaven and in earth You have made in wisdom and power for
the good and holy pleasure of Your will, which cannot change. You have made our
Lord Jesus, Your eternal wisdom, to be unto us wisdom and righteousness and
sanctification and redemption. We rejoice in You, O God, and believe in Jesus
Christ Your Only Begotten Son and our Redeemer.
This light that shines in all that You have made--this light of Your Word and
Wisdom--appears to all men. Our very life is the light that would show us the way
if we were not blind and deaf to You and Your Wisdom.
This light shines in the darkness of our minds and souls but we cannot see it for
we are bound in sin and iniquity until You set us free by the mighty power of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and by the power of the Holy Spirit calling us
out of darkness into the light of Your grace and mercy.
We believe that Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth, was born of the
Virgin Mary precisely because You prepared Him a body in which He could
offer up Himself to You as a sacrifice for our sins. His blood turns away Your
wrath from Your people so that You could show to us the abundance of Your
mercy and grace in putting away our sins, reconciling truth and grace, that You
might be just and the justifier of all who believe the Gospel.
wrath from Your people so that You could show to us the abundance of Your
mercy and grace in putting away our sins, reconciling truth and grace, that You
might be just and the justifier of all who believe the Gospel.
This is our only hope and trust, but it is a solid one, because You have promised
and sworn that all those who believe the Gospel will be saved. We praise and
love Your Holy Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Name in which we were
baptized. In the Name of our Mediator and God, the Lord Jesus, Amen.
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