
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Monday, November 03, 2003

Justice Sandra Day O'Conner contends that future Supreme Court decisions will reflect International Law rather than the Contitution of the United States. Of course, if law doesn't mean anything, if covenant doesn't mean anything, then the Supreme Court can do whatever it wants, and French ideas will have more weight to a corrupt elite that principles derived from Christian ideas. But how can the church complain when it doesn't pay any attention to its own covenant document, the Bible, and leans more on human philosophies, socialogical theories, and junk science? The Bible doesn't put women in church office, sodomites as bishops; nor does it speak of Creation except in terms of six days and nights, "and the evening and the morning were the first day..." etc.

When our freedoms are put away and we live in an Islamic society, let us mourn that we were not faithful to the Scriptures, and gave ourselves to world law and stupid and unbelieving science.

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