
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Friday, September 24, 2004

Ben Shapiro: CBS: the biggest scandal since Watergate: "Only the Watergate scandal compares in magnitude to this CBS scandal in the pantheon of influential political events. Watergate ousted Richard Nixon, ushered in a period of distrust in the presidency and provided the culmination to a decade of irresponsibility and moral decline. But most of all, Watergate changed the face of the media forever.

"During the Vietnam War, the mainstream media realized its power. During the Nixon administration, the media turned from objective observers into firebrand crusaders. As historian Paul Johnson puts it, 'the electoral verdict of 1972 was overturned by what might be described as a media putsch. The 'imperial presidency' was replaced by the 'imperial press.''"

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