
A vehicle for venting on philosophy, religion, and the general state of things. Proprietor: C. W. Powell

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Dennis Prager: The left thinks legally, the right thinks morally: "One of the most important of these differences is their attitudes toward law. Generally speaking, the Left and the secularists venerate, if not worship, law. They put their faith in law -- both national and international. Law is the supreme good. For most on the Left, 'Is it legal?' is usually the question that determines whether an action is right or wrong."
This is also the seed of liberalism in the church. The liberal gets his authority from the church; the believer from Scripture. It is the beginning of the loss of the liberty of the believer when church law and authority replaces the believer acting from conscience. The liberal church man says, "I act from denominational authority." The believer respons, "And I, from Scripture."

To the liberal, "Is it legal?" is the best question, because he can then manipulate the political processes, whether in church or state, to secure a favorable legislative framework for his private agenda. It is much harder to manipulate the Scriptures, although they try that the same way, by adopting "positions" that are placed between the soul of the believer and the Scriptures.

"To those who supported removing Saddam Hussein by force, if the United Nations did not authorize it, it was a reflection on the morality of the United Nations, not the morality of the war.

International law thus provides a clear example of the Left-Right divide. To the Left, an international action is right if nations such as China, Russia, France and Syria vote for it, and wrong if they vote against it. To the Right and to the religious, an action is good (or bad) irrespective of the votes of the world's nations. They judge it by a code of morality higher than international law."

Prager nails it. When Chief Justice Earl Warren, in the midst of a lengthy legal defense of discrimination against blacks in the nations schools, asked "But is it right?" he indicated that the matter would be settled in equity, or on the basis of morality, and not law.

This shows how much conservatism and liberalism has switched sides over the last half-century. Liberal argue the same as conservatism did against integration those many years ago, appealing to law when they want abortion, sodomite marriage, etc. Blacks who support these arguments do not realize that they are undercutting the very foundation of the rights that they have gained in law over the last years.

For, you see, the rights of a black man are based upon morality, and can only be secure if they are God-given, for such rights cannot be permanently alienated. The "rights" to abortion, homosexuality, etc., are not given by God, but are given by a state that has been manipulated by evil. No black should want his rights to rest upon such a foundation.

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